Harness the Power of the Sun

Unleash Solar Energy For a Sustainable Future

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Experience the Power of Solar Energy
Go Green, Go Solar!
About Our Solar Energy Services
We are a leading solar energy contracting company dedicated to providing renewable energy solutions. With a team of highly skilled professionals and state-of-the-art technology, we specialize in designing, installing, and maintaining solar power systems for residential and commercial properties. Our mission is to help homeowners and businesses transition to clean and sustainable solar energy, reducing carbon footprint and energy costs. By powering your property with the sun, you contribute to a greener and healthier planet for future generations.

1. Consultation & Evaluation

Expert advice to determine the optimal size of your solar system according to your needs, to maximize efficiency and savings on your electricity bill.

2. Proposal

We provide a tailored solar solution that accurately assesses proposal system size, brand, and budget for optimized solar/battery energy systems.

3. Audit

Our CEC accredited installer will conduct a site inspection to confirm inverter location and cable runs.

4. Acceptance

Once the proposal has been accepted and deposit has been paid, we get started with the DNSP approval. Then scheduling an Installation day, explaining your system in more depth and how you will be able to monitor the system. We endeavour to have this process take 3-4weeks

5. Installation day

Get your solar system installed hassle-free in just one day. Including setting up WIFI monitoring on our easy to use app so you can keep track of your system production.

6. Meter upgrade

Once the system has been finalised, your retailer (energy provider) will then upgrade/reconfigure your electrical meter to measure unused solar feeding back into the grid. Retailer will provide your feed in tariff rate and credit your bill. Remember the best way to save is self consumption!

Residential Solar Installation

We offer professional and efficient residential solar panel installation services. Our team ensures seamless integration of solar systems into your home, helping you harness the power of the sun and save on electricity bills.

Commercial Solar Solutions

Our commercial solar solutions are tailored to meet the energy demands of businesses. From design and implementation to maintenance, we provide cost-effective solar power solutions for various industries.

Energy Storage Solutions

Efficiently store solar energy for future use with our innovative Solar Energy Storage solution. Efficient solar power storage for uninterrupted clean energy supply.

Solar Panel Maintenance

Regular maintenance is essential for optimal efficiency of solar panels. Our experts offer comprehensive maintenance services, including cleaning, inspection, and repairs, ensuring your solar system operates at its best.

Customer Support

Customer satisfaction is our number one priority. We offer warranties on all of our products and services. Our support team are always eager to address queries and provide assistance, ensuring exceptional experience and satisfaction.

Affordable & Quality

Unlike our competition we always offer a customized budget-friendly service that meets your individual requirements and only use CEC approved products which ensures a top quality installation without an enormous price tag

Fast Installation

We want to ensure a quick and efficient solar system installation service for hassle-free energy solution so you are gaining your savings as soon as possible. We pride ourselves on getting approvals and booking you in faster than the competion.

  • Regent St, Kogarah NSW, Australia
  •  Mon-Fri - 08:00-17:00